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EAAFP Internship 모집공고_Communication Assistant / Finance & Administration Assistant

국제협력담당관 (032-440-3234)

동아시아-대양주 철새이동경로 파트너십 (EAAFP) 사무국 인턴 모집 공고


「동아시아-대양주 철새이동경로 파트너십 (EAAFP)」에서 2022하반기 인턴을 모집하오니 많은 응모 바랍니다.


1. 모집내용:




행정/재정 연구
(Finance & Administration Assistant)


·           영어  한국어로 회화  작문이 가능한 

·           경영회계  커뮤니케이션 관련 전공자 

(Communication Assistant)


·           환경보전에 관심과 열정을 가진 자

·           영어 및 한국어로 회화 및 작문이 가능한 자
(추가적으로 EAAFP 실무언어 가능할 시 우대)


2. 지원기한2022.05.15 ()


3. 근무지: 인천 송도 G타워


4. 근무 시작일: 2022년 6월 중


5. 접수방법제출서류를 secretariat@eaaflyway.net로 제출 (파일명 '이름_지원분야' (영어), 모든 문서는 영어로 작성 바랍니다.)

·          EAAFP Internship Application Form

·          CV/résumé

·          A personal statement (1페이지 이내로 지원 동기와 향후 커리어 목표에 대해 작성)

·          A reference letter (추후 요청받을 시)


6. 문의: secretariat@eaaflyway.net


기타 상세 내용은 별첨을 참조 바랍니다.



1. Finance & administration Assistant TOR

2. Communication Assistant TOR

3. EAAFP Internship Application Form


EAAFP Website: http://www.eaaflyway.net/


Internship Programme at the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership Secretariat


EAAFP is seeking highly motivated individuals for the full-time internship positions of Finance & Administration Assistant and Communication Assistant. Interns will support the EAAFP Secretariat's works and activities, especially in the administrative and information technology fields. The Internship is to foster future conservation leaders who want to develop their careers in the wildlife and habitat conservation fields, especially in the East Asian-Australasian region.

·          Position: Intern (Finance & Administration Assistant, Communication Assistant)

·          Type of contract: Fixed-term (6 months)

·          Work percentage: 100% (full time)

·          Languages: English and Korean (Finance & Administration Assistant, Communication Assistant)

·          Deadline: 15 May 2022

·          Expected start date: June 2022


How to apply

Those who are interested in working for international organization in environment and nature conservation can send the set of to secretariat@eaaflyway.net with the EAAFP Job Application Form.

·          Posting expires: Once the position is filled

·          Email: secretariat@eaaflyway.net

·          Location: G-Tower, Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea

·          EAAFP Internship Application Form

·          CV/résumé

·          A personal statement on reason for applying and your career goal (up to one page)

·          A sponsorship letter, if you have a sponsor to this programme

·          A reference letter when requested


If you have any questions, please send an email to secretariat@eaaflyway.net


* For further information, please see the attached.


1. Finance & Administration Assistant TOR

2. Communication Assistant TOR

3. EAAFP Internship Application Form


EAAFP Website: http://www.eaaflyway.net/

문의처: 심유미
메일: plover@eaaflyway.net
전화번호: 032 458 6512

1. 2022_May_EAAFP_Internship_Finance-Admin_Assistant_TOR.pdf 미리보기 다운로드
2. 2022_May_EAAFP_Internship_Communication_Assistant_TOR.pdf 미리보기 다운로드
3. EAAFP-Internship-Application-Form.docx 미리보기 다운로드
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