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Incheon to host the 2017 Wood Expo Korea

Incheon Metropolitan City and the Korea Forest Service will co-host the “2017 Wood Expo” for four days from December 7 (Thu) to December 10 (Sun) to raise awareness of using wooden materials and to promote growth of the wood industry. We look forward to your interest and participation in the event.

■ Event Overview
- Event Name: 2017 Wood Expo
- Time and Date: 10:00 ~ 17:00 on December 7 (Thu) ~ December 10 (Sun), 2017
- Venue: Songdo Convensia
- Host: Korea Forest Service, Incheon Metropolitan City
- Supervision: Korea Federation of Wood Industrial Societies
- Capacity: 100 companies, 240 booths

■ Event Details
- Exhibition Halls: Wood policy promotion hall, wooden architecture and crafts exhibition hall, wood industry information hall, wood company exhibition hall, etc.
- Seminar: Research trends and future industry directions of the domestic wood industry, Initiatives to promote the use of wooden materials, Outstanding technology to lignify urban areas
- Job Fair: Job fair featuring wood industry-related associations, groups, companies
- Wood Culture Experiential Program: Wood burning, wood turning, Areum Sotdae, bookshelves, monitor stands, etc. (available for elementary school students ~ adults)

■ Participation Instructions: Register in advance at the official website (http://woodexpo.kr) or register on site (free participation)

■ Inquiries: Exhibition Secretariat ☎ 050-2260-6000
KOGL: Type 1 + Commercial Use Prohibition (Type 2)

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