Phone·Mobile Phone·Public Phone
Landline Phone

If you want to use a landline phone in your home or office by phone companies that provide wire telephone service, you should contact a landline phone company. When installing a landline phone, installation fee and extra expenses may occur. Typicallandline phone companies in Korea are 'KT(☎ 100)','SK Broadband(☎ 106)','LG U+(☎ 101)'and current the trend in landline phones is there is a preference for internet phones. Considering usage and service, it is recommended to choose a company thatsuits you. When a foreigner is to sign up, a 'copy of the passport and a copy of the alien registration card' are required.


Mobile Phone

In Korea, most people have enough to hold a cell phone, mobile phone use is widespread. Korea's leading mobile companies are SKT, KT, LGT, and the charging systems and benefits are varied depending on the service provider.

Name Differences : Things you should know
  • Korean credit card or bank account required
  • Information available in English, Chinese, Japanese
  • Cell phone ☎ 100 (free call), ☎ 1588-0010 (charge)
  • Website:
  • Domestic carrier, bank account required
  • English information: ☎ 1544-0010
  • Website:

Prepaid cell phones : It is used for a desired amount of time, but rate is little higher but there is no contract

Foreigner mobile phone startup requirements
  • Require Alien Registration Card or domestic residence certificate.
  • Payment can be made only through one's own bank account or credit card.
Caution when using a mobile phone
  • When using the mobile phone, advertising phone or message related to adult advertisement may come if you call with a mere curiosity, it may result in unexpected excessive charges. Unless the information is necessary, it is good to ignore.

How to Place a Call

How to call international Press the numbers in order
  • service number → Country Code → Area code → Telephone number
    • Ex) Calling from South Korea to China: International call service number (001)+Country Code (86)+Area Code (20)+Telephone number (1234-5678)
  • International call service number: KT(001), SK-Tell link(00700), LG-U Plus(002), Onse Tellecom(00365)
  • Main country codes
Country Country code Country Country code Country Country code Country Country code
Nigeria 234 Brazil 55 Iran 98 Colombia 57
Nepal 977 Sudan 249 Egypt 20 Thailand 66
Russia 7 Sri Lanka 94 India 91 Turkey 90
Malaysia 60 Syria 963 Indonesia 62 Pakistan 92
Mexico 52 Singapore 65 Japan 81 Peru 51
Mongolia 976 Argentina 54 China 86 Philippines 63
Myanmar 95 Angola 244 Chile 56 Hong Kong 852
Bangladesh 880 Uzbekistan 998 Kazakhstan 7 America 1
Vietnam 84 Iraq 964 Cambodia 855 Australia 61
How to call long distance
  • Area codes in Korea are separated into a total of 17 segments. You simply press the phone number without area code inside the same area but when you call the other areas you must press the area code first then telephone.
    • Example) If you call Incheon area : ☎ 000-0000
    • If you call from Incheon to Busan : ☎ (051)000-0000
Source: "Be an Incheoner" - Guidebook for Foreign Residents in Incheon