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Students who report potential safety hazards during the 2018 national safety inspection period will earn volunteer service credit hours

The government is asking the general public to report potential safety hazards in their communities during the 2018 national safety inspection period (February 5 ~ March 30).
In particular, this year, the government will give volunteer service credit hours to students who report potential safety hazards during the inspection period. This incentive program is aimed at increasing the awareness on disaster and safety management among students and improving student participation levels in government safety initiatives.

A. Eligible Period: February 5 ~ March 30, 2018 (report date must fall within the period)
B. Eligible Students:
Elementary/Middle/High School Students
C. Credit Hours: 1 hour of volunteer service credit for each legitimate safety hazard report accepted (up to 4 hours per day, up to 10 hours for the entire period, redundant reports processed as 1 report)
D. Reporting Method: Use the Safety e-Report “app” or visit the Safety e-Report website
                     (Membership sign up for the 1365 volunteer service portal and Safety e-Report required)
E. Approval Process: Membership sign up at the 1365 volunteer service portal→Membership sign up at the Safety e-Report (Enter 1365 volunteer service portal ID)→Report safety hazard
                     →Register approved credit hours (volunteer service center)→Confirm approved credit hours (1365 volunteer service portal)

KOGL: Type 1 + Commercial Use Prohibition (Type 2)

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