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Promotion on hosting of The 6th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy

The 6th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, an international event hosted by OECD will be held in Incheon this November as belows and your attention will be appreicated.

Name: The 6th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy
Date: Nov 27, 2018(Tue) ~ Nov 29 (Thu)(three days)
❍ Venue: Songdo Convensia
❍ Participants: high-ranking personnel from around the world, executives of international agencies, Academia, CEOs of Multinational Companies, etc.
❍ Number of participants: 1500 attendees from 100 countries (500 foreigners forecast)
❍ Event: Main conference, various meetings, forum, cultural performance, travelling, etc.
  ※ Official homepage: http://www.oecd-6wf.go.kr/

KOGL: Type 1 + Commercial Use Prohibition (Type 2)

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