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Opening ceremony and event for the new Songdo Extension Line (Incheon Metropolitan Railway Line No. 1)


Incheon is hosting an opening ceremony for the Songdo Extension Line - an extension of the Incheon Metro Railway Line No. 1. The new extension line will help the city build a more comprehensive urban rail infrastructure, and offer a more convenient public transport network in anticipation of increased demand for transportation options.

○ Current Progress 

 - Available Section: International Business District ~ Songdo Dalbit Festival Park Station

  *Opening Time and Date: 05:30 on December 12 (Sat), 2020

 - Project Scope: Track (0.82km) and train station (1 station)

 - Project Cost: KRW 174.8 billion (central government contribution KRW 84.3 billion / metropolitan government contribution KRW 90.5)

 - Project Duration 2009 ~ 2020 

○ Opening ceremony for the Songdo Extension Line on Incheon Metropolitan Railway Line No. 1 *Internet live broadcast and Incheon Metropolitan City YouTube PR channel

 - Event Date and Time: 14:00 ~15:00 on December 11 (Fri), 2020

 - Event Venue: Waiting Room (B1F), Songdo Dalbit Festival Park Station

   . Given the concerns of a potential second wave of COVID-19 infections, combined with cold winter weather conditions, the event will be held indoors and number of invited guests will be kept to a minimum.

 - Event Capacity: 50 persons (pre-registered guests only)

  . Should the central government elevates the nation-wide social distancing level, Incheon will activate its contingency plan for the opening ceremony and event (smaller capacity).

KOGL: Source Indication (Type 1)

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Incheon is hosting an opening ceremony for the Songdo Extension Line - an extension of the Incheon Metro Railway Line No. 1. The new extension line will help the city build a more comprehensive urban rail infrastructure, and offer a more convenient public transport network in anticipation of increased demand for transportation options.

○ Current Progress 

 - Available Section: International Business District ~ Songdo Dalbit Festival Park Station

  *Opening Time and Date: 05:30 on December 12 (Sat), 2020

 - Project Scope: Track (0.82km) and train station (1 station)

 - Project Cost: KRW 174.8 billion (central government contribution KRW 84.3 billion / metropolitan government contribution KRW 90.5)

 - Project Duration 2009 ~ 2020 

○ Opening ceremony for the Songdo Extension Line on Incheon Metropolitan Railway Line No. 1 *Internet live broadcast and Incheon Metropolitan City YouTube PR channel

 - Event Date and Time: 14:00 ~15:00 on December 11 (Fri), 2020

 - Event Venue: Waiting Room (B1F), Songdo Dalbit Festival Park Station

   . Given the concerns of a potential second wave of COVID-19 infections, combined with cold winter weather conditions, the event will be held indoors and number of invited guests will be kept to a minimum.

 - Event Capacity: 50 persons (pre-registered guests only)

  . Should the central government elevates the nation-wide social distancing level, Incheon will activate its contingency plan for the opening ceremony and event (smaller capacity).