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Introduction to '2016 Together Day' Celebration Event

In celebration of the “Together Day”, IFEZ will hold “2016 IFEZ Together Day” event.
Please come and participate at this event, which will mark the festival where all the foreigners and Koreans will interact with each other.

❍ Event : “2016 Together Day”
❍ Date : Sat. May 28, 2016 13:00 ~ 18:00
❍ Venue : Songdo Central Park (Square behind GyeongwonJae Ambassador)
❍ Expected # of participants : Around 1,000 (both Koreans and foreigners)
❍ Details : Pre-event, opening ceremony, congratulatory performance, participation, onsite event, etc
❍ Host : IFEZ
KOGL: Type 1 + Commercial Use Prohibition (Type 2)

이 게시물은 "공공누리"의 자유이용허락 표시제도에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.