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Message from the Mayor

“Our Young People are Incheon City’s Dream and the Future of South Korea.”


4th Incheon Youth Day Ceremony (Congratulatory Speech Script)

Everyone here represents our youth. I envy you all. 

How great is it to be the envy of others? 

We would like to thank everyone who has participated in today’s Youth Day celebration event. 

I also congratulate you on celebrating Youth Day and hope that your future will shine brightly.

Your beautiful youth is the envy of many! 

Many people believe that youth is hope, 

but when we look at the current reality in our country, we see so many sad occurences.

The society I saw when I was young and the society we see today are very different.

Young people today would like to envision the future with great motivation 

and have hopes just like the young people of the past did.

Of course, each person's situation is different, 

but I know that there are many young people today who find it difficult to hold onto hope.

I also know that many young people are worried about their future.

Even though the world has come a long way in terms of development, 

many young people today are probably worried about 

whether they will be able to have the opportunities that young people in the past were able to have.

It would not be possible to list all the problems of our modern society here. 

But I want to assure you of this one thing. 

That is that young people are still our hope.

It is clear that you are the hope of our community and our country.

You must be strong. And you must be confident. Also, you must have courage.

That's all I want to say here.

I hope you find strength and live your life with confidence and courage.

Isn't it written here? “Incheon is only here to help.” 

Isn't that true? Incheon will not live your life for you.

However, Incheon City will make every effort to help you 

through various policies so that you can have hope. 

The goal I have set for Incheon City is to become ‘a world-class city with happy citizens’.

Do you know the hidden meaning of this slogan? 

“Only for Incheon, only for its citizens, only for the future.”

Who will be the leaders of the next generation? 

The answer is all of you.

Now, I hope that you will not think that everything is too difficult for you, 

and that you will instead face challenges with courage 

and confidence and open up the way towards a new future. 

As the mayor of this city, I hope you understand 

that I want you to trust Incheon City and work with us.

We can confidently say that we will help you

 pioneer your future by boldly supporting you. 

And I would like to add one more thing: 

while you face challenges with courage and confidence, 

I hope that you will also think about social justice.

What do we have to do to become just? We must be truthful.

I hope you can look critically at the world based on the truth, 

especially when you see excessive partisan politics and wrong social practices.

There are many complicated issues in the world. 

However, I believe that if you look at the world 

with eyes that can see the truth and pursue a just life, your future will be bright. 

Incheon City supports you. 

Together with you, I will strive to brighten the future of Incheon.

Thank you.
