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The 18th Incheon International Half Marathon

The 18th Incheon International Half Marathon will be opened as found in below details. We look forward to your interest and participation.

❍  Title: The 18th Incheon International Half Marathon
❍  Time : Sunday, March 25, 2018 09:00 [To gather at the stadium by 08:00]]
❍  Venue : Incheon Munhak World Cup Stadium ⇔ Yeonsu-gu area
❍  Competition scope : Half course (approx.. 21km), 10Km, 5Km
❍  Host : Incheon Ilbo, Korea Association of Athletics Federations
❍ Supervisor : Incheon Marathon Committee, Incheon Association of Athletics Federation
❍ Sponsor: Incheon Metropolitan City, Incheon Sports Council
KOGL: Type 1 + Commercial Use Prohibition (Type 2)

이 게시물은 "공공누리"의 자유이용허락 표시제도에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.