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Special Theme

Tallest and Broadest Azalea Garden


Pink Mountain Dyed in Spring
: Trekking in Goryeosan Mountain

Beautiful azaleas embroider Goryeosan Mountain every April from the hillside to the top. It is the tallest and broadest garden of azalea. Half of what you see is azalea, and the other half is people. It has long been favored as the best azalea colony in Korea.

When spring comes, azaleas are in full bloom on Goryeosan Mountain, which entirely turns pink and sometimes green and is the symbol of spring in Ganghwado Island. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the Goryeo Mountain Azalea Festival was held every April, and many tourists would line up to enjoy the scenery.

There is a famous trekking course in Goryeosan Mountain, which is 436m tall and can be easily climbed. The fame is due to the relics of Ganghwa located in various places along the way to the mountain, which is somewhat natural for Ganghwado Island as it is called a museum without a roof. The course starts with the Ganghwa Dolmen Site, which has been in Ganghwado Island since the Bronze Age. It was inscribed on the List of World Heritage Site in 2000, making it even more meaningful. Enjoying the lingering scent of azalea, visitors can then move to the next stop, the Ganghwa History Museum, which preserves the cultural heritage of Ganghwado Island, to Baengnyeonsa, a small temple built in 416, and finally to the top of the mountain.

We recommend you feel free to trek through Goryeosan Mountain to fully enjoy the history and nature of Ganghwado Island.

Goryeosan Mountain Trekking Course
* Total Length: 4km
* Course: Ganghwa Dolmen Site – Ganghwa History Museum – Baengnyeonsa Temple – Top of Goryeosan Mountain

Ganghwa History Museum
* Address: 994-19, Ganghwa-daero, Hajeom-myeon, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon
* Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 09:00-18:00
* Information: ☎ 032-934-7887

Transportation TIP
You can reach Ganghwa Dolmen Site by taking bus No. 1, 23, 25, 27, 30, or 32 from Ganghwa Terminal. If you drive your own car, park in the ‘Dolmen Square Parking Lot.’

KOGL: Source Indication (Type 1)

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