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Enjoy Incheon

World's Kitchen] World Gourmet Trip in Incheon (1)USA


Universal Kitchen] World Gourmet Trip in Incheon (1)USA

Endless Incheon, lots to eat. Still, it's challenging to find a restaurant that suits your palate. But if you are a reader of <2023 Incheon Now>, it's a different story. We are launching a new series on restaurants serving foreign cuisines in Incheon you can go to regardless of where you are from. The first one we chose is the 「American Food」

+ The United States of America(USA)

It is located in the North American continent and shares borders with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. It is a multiracial and multinational country. It is one of the largest countries in the world and is home to Incheon's sister cities, Burbank, Philadelphia, Anchorage, and Honolulu.

+ What is a ‘sister city’?

It represents establishing a special friendly and amicable relationship to deepen mutual understanding through cultural exchange between cities.

<Good People Dogs Club>

· Address: 10-14, Inha-ro 521beon-gil (Guwol-dong), Namdong-gu

· Hours: 13:00-22:00 (Closed on Mondays)

America's Soul Food, Hot Dog

America has many hearty and delicious foods, such as platters, steaks, and hamburgers. However, simple and delicious hot dogs are by far the icon of American food. Put a thick and large sausage on light bread and have it with the sauce of your choice and toppings. It makes a decent meal as good as a table d'hote. American-style hot dogs, originating from frankfurters, take on different forms by region, such as in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.

Little America in Guwol-dong

'Is this Incheon?' Anyone who only saw the pictures of the place would ask because the interior and atmosphere suggest it's a place in America. It's a low-rise building with a close view of the sky, exciting music, and wallpaper accentuated by orange color and furniture. It is filled with stuff that makes you feel like you took a trip to America. For it's located in Guwol-dong, a hot neighborhood, and there are also many unique shops and attractions nearby. It is a short trip to America in Guwol-dong.

Charm of Hot Dogs Just Like the Ones in America

'Good People Dog Club' opened less than a year ago, but it is getting good word of mouth for its exotic appearance and unusual menu, 'American hot dog.' The owner, Gyeong Doo-hyeon started selling hot dogs because he wanted everyone to enjoy them lightly. "Hot dogs are food that Americans, as well as Koreans, enjoy. Personally, it is my favorite food."

The most confident signature menus are 'Chili Dog' and 'Mac & Cheese Dog.' In particular, he increased the spicy taste of the chili dog by adding red pepper paste to the American chili sauce. In addition, button mushrooms and fried corn, which might feel unfamiliar, have the magic of coming back to your mind once you try them.


A Special Meeting with Good People

As the restaurant's name suggests, 'Good People Dog Club' means that it is a place where good people stop by. It hopes to become a place where staff and guests work and stop by with smiles. The owner, Gyeong Doo-hyeon showed his affection for the restaurant by describing it as a place where "good people have a good time." Maybe his affection is affecting the place. The restaurant is always filled with a comfortable and natural vibe. From the friendly staff to customers having pleasant chats, special memories bloom every day at 'Good People Dog Club.'

+ Mini Interview

경두현 대표 , Owner Kyung Doo-hyeon


Q. What are the unique strengths of 'Good People Dog Club'?

- 'Space, taste, and price' form a trinity. Our unique strengths are the exotic interior reminiscent of a local American hot dog shop, the taste of the sauce we make, and reasonable prices.

Q. ‘굿피플도그클럽’이 자랑하는 이곳만의 장점은 무엇인가요? - ‘공간, 맛, 가격’이 3위 일체를 이룹니다. 미국 현지 핫도그 가게를 연상하게 하는 이국적인 인테리어와 직접 수제로 만드는 소스의 맛, 합리적인 가격이 저희만의 강점이라고 생각해요.

Q. What do you recommend to foreign guests visiting for the first time?

- 'Good People Dog Club' has various hot dog menus, such as chili and mac and cheese, but the fried dishes are just as good. We recommend you try fried mushrooms or fried corn, whichever suits your taste!

Q. 처음 오는 외국인 손님들에게 추천하는 메뉴는 무엇인가요? - ‘굿피플도그클럽’엔 칠리, 맥앤치즈 등 다양한 핫도그 메뉴가 있지만, 그에 못지않게 튀김류도 별미입니다. 양송이튀김, 옥수수튀김 등 취향에 맞게 골라 드셔보시길 권합니다!

Q. How would you describe your place simply?

- 'Good People Dog Club' is a place with delicious food where people make 'good relationships.' What is as important as the taste of food is the people you share the moment with. I hope people with various characters come here and share their cultures, communicate with each other, and form good relationships.

Q. 이 공간을 간단히 표현해 주신다면요. - ‘굿피플도그클럽’은 맛있는 음식과 함께 ‘좋은 관계’가 이루어지는 곳입니다. 음식의 맛만큼 중요한 것은, 그 순간을 함께 하는 사람이 아닐까요? 다양한 개성을 가진 사람들이 이곳에서 문화를 나누고 소통하며 좋은 관계를 맺었으면 좋겠습니다.

Q. Please say something to your customers and readers of <Incheon Now>.

- I am grateful and happy to meet the readers through this good opportunity. We will always try to serve good food, good space, and good relationships with many people who visit the store.

Q. 식당의 손님 및 <Incheon Now> 독자분들에게 한 마디 부탁드려요. - 좋은 기회로 독자분들을 만나게 되어 감사하고 기쁩니다. 가게를 찾아주시는 많은 분들께 좋은 음식, 좋은 공간, 좋은 관계를 이어갈 수 있도록 늘 노력하겠습니다.

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