For more information, visit Korea 'Visa Portal' ( → Information on visa → Application procedures.' For certain visa types (E1-E7, etc.), you may have the visa issued in an electronic form.
Expatriate registration and stay
- Hi Korea website: (Available in English and Chinese) ☎ 1345
- Korea Immigration Service website: (Available in English)
- A foreigner who wants to stay in Korea for more than 90 days from the date of entry.
- A foreigner who has acquired a different nationality after losing Korean nationality or was born in Korea etc. and wants to stay in Korea for more than 90 days after acquiring stay status.
- Exemption from Foreigner Registration
- Culture and Art (D-1), Religion (D-6), Visit and Stay (F-1), Companion (F-3), Others (G-1)
Registration Period
- A foreigner intending to stay in Korea for more than 90 days → Required to register within 90 days from date of entry
- Registration should be made immediately at the time of permission to stay in Korea or permission to change status is received.
- For Canadians with B-2 visa (tourist pass), an expatriate registration is made when the permission for the change of stay status is applied for after staying for 6 months.
Where to Apply
- The Residence Card is issued by the local immigration office which has jurisdiction over the district in your address.
- Institution: Incheon Immigration Office
- District: Incheon Metropolitan City (except Incheon International Airport), Gyeonggi-do Bucheon, Gimpo
- Address: 393, Seohae-daero, Jung-gu, Incheon (Hang-dong)
- Tel: 032-890-6407 / Fax: 032-890-6400
- For addresses in Gyeonggi-do Ansan and Siheung, please contact the Ansan Immigration Branch Office.
Required Documents (For All)
- Passport, Foreigner Registration Form, Color photo (3.5×4.5cm)
- Registration Fee: Residence card issuance(30,000won), Fees differ depending on the administrative services such as stay extension and change of visa status etc. Be sure to call 1345 for consultation.
- Additional documents to be submitted according to visa status
- Application by an approved representative: Letter of attorney, a copy of representative's identity card, a copy of applicant's identity card, applicant's proof of employment etc. required
- For more details on additional documents to be submitted according to visa status: 'Electronic government for foreigners website ( / Available in English and Chinese)' → 'Foreigner sojourn'

Re-issuance of Residence Card
Reasons for Re-issuance
- Change in stay qualification
- Card is lost
- Card is damaged
- Short of space on card to enter required information
- Change in personal information (name, gender, birth date and nationality)
- Should the need for re-issuance arises, it should be directly applied for by cardholder within 14 days from the date of occurrence.
Required Documents for Re-issuance
- Passport, Application forms for Re-issuance of Residence Card, Documents to prove need for re-issuance request (e.g. documents to prove that the card has been lost), 1 color photo (3.5×4.5㎝)
- Original residence card (must be submitted unless re-issuance is requested due to loss)
- lack of space on card to enter required information or when there are changes made to the related Korean law
- Registration Fee: 30,000 won
Re-issuance Location: Local Immigration Office
Obligation to Report Changes in Foreigner Registration Information
If any of the following happens to registered foreigners in Korea, changes in registration details must be reported by the applicant or a proxy to the local immigration office within 14 days from the date of occurrence. Violation of the above will result in a penalty fine imposed according to Article 35 of the Immigration Act)
- Changes in name, gender, date of birth or nationality
- Changes in passport number, date of issuance or expiration date
- Changes in details (including name changes) of the organizations and groups which the foreigner belongs to
- Required Documents : Application form (Report on changes to Foreigner Registration), Passport and Residence Card, Supporting documents to prove changes
Scope of Activities and Employment for Foreigners Staying in Korea
- Foreigners are granted rights to any activities granted by their visa, and may stay as long as their given period of stay.
- They are not, however, allowed to participate in any political activities except when specifically allowed by law.
- Foreigners seeking employment during their stay in Korea must have a visa that allows it, and they may only work in workplaces designated by the local immigration office.
- If they wish to change their workplace, permission must be received from the local immigration office prior to the change.
- For more details, please refer to the website below: Electronic government for foreigners website ( / Available in English and Chinese) → Information → Foreigner sojourn
Obligation to Report Change in Residence
- Any change in residence should be reported to the head of the city, county or ward office (eup/ myeon/dong) or the local immigra-tion office which has jurisdiction over the new address within 14 days of its occurrence.
- It may also be reported via 'Hi Korea website ( '
- For foreign spouses, any change in residence must be reported separately even if a change of address report has been made by the Korean spouse at the Dong office.
- Violation of the above will result in a penalty fine imposed according to Article 36 of the Immigration Act.
- Required Documents (For All)
- Registration Form
- Passport & Residence card
- Documents to prove change in residence (mail, lease contract, proof of provided residency form etc.)
Source: "Be an Incheoner" - Guidebook for Foreign Residents in Incheon